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Evogen Probiotic D.R. 30 EXP 10/23

EXP 10/23 When was the last time you thought about your gut flora? Maybe never? Many fail to realize that your gut flora plays many vital roles in the body, such as immunity, digestion, and overall health. If one of those aspects isn’t fully optimized, it can lead to health...

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EXP 10/23

When was the last time you thought about your gut flora? Maybe never? Many fail to realize that your gut flora plays many vital roles in the body, such as immunity, digestion, and overall health. If one of those aspects isn’t fully optimized, it can lead to health issues, sickness, and poor digestion.

Why is this all important? It’s simple. Your gut flora is a significant factor when it comes to the health of your immune system. It helps destroy pathogens that enter the system and could potentially do harm.

In addition, by improving your digestion, you can better break down and utilize the nutrients you consume throughout the day. Better digestion and absorption can help shuttle key nutrients out to the muscles to help improve recovery and muscle growth. If you’re not able to fully break down the food you consume, it can get passed through and wasted.


Recommended Use:
As a dietary supplement, take one serving (1 capsule) once daily with 8 ounces of water. To ensure optimal probiotic conditions, should be stored at room temperature or in the refrigerator. For best results, use Probiotic D.R. 30™ consistently for 60 days.

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