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Applied Nutrition Tongkat Ali 60 Caps

Applied Nutrition Tongkat Ali has been Developed to support your libido and male performance, reduce stress, and improve body composition. 1200MG TONGKAT-ALI per serving with added Astragin for maximum absoption. 60 Tablets | 30 Servings High dose 1200mg,100:1 extract providing 1% Eurycomanone, 22% Eurypeptides, 30% Polysaccharides & 40% Glycosaponins (equivalent to...

80 In Stock

Applied Nutrition Tongkat Ali has been Developed to support your libido and male performance, reduce stress, and improve body composition. 1200MG TONGKAT-ALI per serving with added Astragin for maximum absoption.

60 Tablets | 30 Servings

  • High dose 1200mg,100:1 extract providing 1% Eurycomanone, 22% Eurypeptides, 30% Polysaccharides & 40% Glycosaponins (equivalent to 120,000mg per serving) 
  • May heighten libido & increase testosterone
  • May support improved body composition
  • Suitable for vegetarians & vegans
  • Halal certified product

Applied Nutrition Tongkat Ali was developed to boost testosterone, support both male and female libido, increase physical performance, reduce stress, and improve body composition.

Tongkat Ali, also known as, Long Jack, Eurycoma longifolia or Malaysian ginseng, is a traditional herbal remedy with various potential health benefits. Applied nutrition Tongkat Ali is believed to offer several advantages, particularly in the areas of sexual health, physical performance, and overall well-being.

1200MG TONGKAT ALI PER SERVING - 100:1 RATIO (Equivalent to 120,000mg)

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