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MuscleTech Muscle Builder - 30 caps EXP 12/23

EXP 12/23 MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder features a scientifically dosed key ingredient that will help you boost strength and performance.­ Hard-training subjects, in a 12-week human scientific study, gained 8.8 lbs. of lean muscle versus the placebo group, which only gained 4.6 lbs. - that's 90% more lean muscle!...

1 In Stock

EXP 12/23

MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder features a scientifically dosed key ingredient that will help you boost strength and performance.­ Hard-training subjects, in a 12-week human scientific study, gained 8.8 lbs. of lean muscle versus the placebo group, which only gained 4.6 lbs. - that's 90% more lean muscle! In another part of the same study, test subjects increased muscle thickness by 96% more than the increase for the placebo group! The same subjects experienced an increase in strength that was 147% more than the strength increase achieved by the placebo group! POWERFUL MUSCLEBUILDING RESULTS WITH PEAK ATP. Each serving of MuscleTech Pro Series Muscle Builder delivers 400mg of adenosine 5′-triphosphate disodium (PEAK ATP) for enhanced strength and muscle performance. 


Directions For Use:
Take1 serving (1 capsule) with a glass of water 30 to 45 minutes before your workout.

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