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Health Thru Nutrition Black Seed Oil 500ml

Black cumin seed oil has been used for centuries as a "miracle herb" treating a wide array of conditions and improving overall health. It continues to be relevant in today's world, not only in holistic medicines but also by health-conscious individuals. Modern research reveals that the phytochemicals present in black...

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Black cumin seed oil has been used for centuries as a "miracle herb" treating a wide array of conditions and improving overall health. It continues to be relevant in today's world, not only in holistic medicines but also by health-conscious individuals.
Modern research reveals that the phytochemicals present in black seed oil (thymoquinone, thymohydroquinone and thymol) are powerful antioxidants that help protect cells from inflammation and free radicals.
Further studies show black seed oil promotes a healthy immune system by supporting the protective actions of our body's macrophage and helper T-cells.
These white blood cells target infected cells and harmful pathogens, stimulate the immune response of other cells and maintain a "memory bank" to effectively respond to future infections.
Hence anything we can do to assist these workhorses of the immune system our bodies will surely thank us! Pure cold-pressed from the Nigella Sativa plant, Health Thru Nutrition's black seed oil is 35% more concentrated than raw black cumin seeds and contains Omegas 3,6,7 and 9, making it a unique source of all four essential fatty acids.
These omegas have been shown to be beneficial in supporting healthy brain function, mood stability, joint support, and overall skin health.

Directions of Use

Take one (1) teaspoon twice daily

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