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Muscletech Hydroxycut Hardcore Super Elite - 100 vcaps

What is Hydroxycut Hardcore? MuscleTech have pushed the boat with their catalogue, in regards to giving customers the push they need to reach their targets. This particular offering is one of their most well-researched and thought-out supplements. We have Hydroxycut Hardcore, Super Elite - burning capsules.  For over two decades,...

2 In Stock

What is Hydroxycut Hardcore?

MuscleTech have pushed the boat with their catalogue, in regards to giving customers the push they need to reach their targets. This particular offering is one of their most well-researched and thought-out supplements. We have Hydroxycut Hardcore, Super Elite - burning capsules. 

For over two decades, countless people have chosen the Muscletech Hydroxycut brand. New Hydroxycut Super Elite is the latest evolution. 

To assess your tolerance, for the first day, take 1 capsule once daily. On days 2 and 3, take 2 capsules once daily.

On day 4 and beyond, take 2 capsules twice daily, 30 to 60 minutes before your 2 main meals.

Do not take within 5 hours of bedtime.

For best results, use for 60 days. Do not exceed 4 capsules in a 24-hour period. Read the entire label before use and follow directions provided.

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