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Grenade Black Ops Fat Burner 100 Caps

Packaging may vary from Black to Green, but the product is the same. Designed To Support Your Weight Management Goals With Green Tea, Caffeine & L-Taurine With Micronutrients to Support Fat-Loss Metabolism & Insulin Function Grenade Black Ops is a weight management system created to support mental and physical performance....

9 In Stock

Packaging may vary from Black to Green, but the product is the same.

  • Designed To Support Your Weight Management Goals
  • With Green Tea, Caffeine & L-Taurine
  • With Micronutrients to Support Fat-Loss Metabolism & Insulin Function

Grenade Black Ops is a weight management system created to support mental and physical performance. Designed for men, Black Ops has a shorter duration of action making it ideal for focused HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) sessions and for training later in the day.

It works to mobilize fat from fat cells. To ensure that this fat is eliminated you need to increase metabolism and fat oxidation. Ingredients such as Green Tea and Caffeine may help to support this process. Cayenne supports the work of Green Tea. Blue green algae contains Essential Fatty Acids and Phenylephrine. Phenylephrine is known to stimulate the bodys primary fat-burning hormone called Norepinephrine. Cocoa Extract has an effect on nitric oxide which also supports fat metabolism.

Grenade Black Ops also contains several micronutrients which have been scientifically evaluated for their role in supporting fat-loss metabolism and the improvement of insulin function.

Rather than just dealing with one or two weight loss pathways, Grenade Black Ops takes a five prong approach and the results are there for everyone to see!


Recommended Use:
To assess tolerance:

Consume 1 capsule twice per day for the first 7 days.

Directions for use: 
Take 2 capsules on an empty stomach upon waking with water. Take 2 capsules 30 minutes prior to lunch with water.

For an explosive workout:
Take 2 capsules prior to training.

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