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Grenade Thermo Detonator Fat Burner 100 Caps

Thermogenic Formula Contains Cayenne, Caffeine & Bitter Orange Powder Suitable for Men & Women Grenade Thermo Detonator is a Weight Management supplement. When used alongside a healthy diet and exercise plan, this product may support physical and mental energy levels.Thermo Detonator works synergistically with a high-protein, calorie controlled diet and exercise...

8 In Stock

  • Thermogenic Formula
  • Contains Cayenne, Caffeine & Bitter Orange Powder
  • Suitable for Men & Women

Grenade Thermo Detonator is a Weight Management supplement. When used alongside a healthy diet and exercise plan, this product may support physical and mental energy levels.

Thermo Detonator works synergistically with a high-protein, calorie controlled diet and exercise routine to support metabolic rate and fat metabolism.

Each serving contains 500mg of Green Tea extract.

These extracts contain molecules called Catechins. Catechins are chemical polyphenols which may have a positive effect on weight and measurements and also has antioxidant properties.


Recommended Use:

Take 2 caps upon waking with a large glass of water, or 2 caps before your workouts.

Do not exceed 2 caps per day, and assess tolerance with 1 cap the first time.


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