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USN Qhush Pre Workout (220g)

USN QHUSH Black pre workout powder is the perfect fuel for high-intensity sessions in the gym, at home or before a run.  QHUSH Black pre workout packs in 250 mg of caffeine into each serving, giving you the ultimate boost before your next training session. Not only does QHUSH provide you...

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USN QHUSH Black pre workout powder is the perfect fuel for high-intensity sessions in the gym, at home or before a run. 

QHUSH Black pre workout packs in 250 mg of caffeine into each serving, giving you the ultimate boost before your next training session.

Not only does QHUSH provide you with an incredible rush of energy, it also contains L-Theanine (Green Tea extract) to help you keep a laser-like level of focus when working towards your goals.

Recommended Use
QHUSH Black is easy to mix, simply add 1 scoop (11g) with 250ml of water and drink!

Ingredients: L-citrulline-DL-malate (2:1); beta-alanine; polydextrose; L-arginine HCl; anti-caking agents:silicon dioxide, calcium silicate; natural flavour; caffeine; potassium bicarbonate; L-theanine from green tealeaf extract (Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze); sweeteners: acesulfame-K, sucralose; flavouring; spirulinaextract (Arthrospira platensis); vitamin B3 (nicotinamide); trimagnesium citrate; black pepper extract (Pipernigrum); vitamin B6 (pyridoxine HCl); vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin).

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