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Sabtec Nutrition ShredUp 30 Servings FREE SHAKER

Sabtec Nutrition SHREDUP combines two popular ingredients (CLA & L-Carnitine) that have been clinically shown to help with weight loss and weight management. They work synergistically to help burn stored body fat, converting it into energy. ShredUp by Sabtec Nutrition also combines these two powerful compounds to deliver a punch...

6 In Stock

Sabtec Nutrition SHREDUP combines two popular ingredients (CLA & L-Carnitine) that have been clinically shown to help with weight loss and weight management.
They work synergistically to help burn stored body fat, converting it into energy. ShredUp by Sabtec Nutrition also combines these two powerful compounds to deliver a punch when taken as a pre-workout.


  • Non-STIM Weight Loss Support
  • Can help supress appetite
  • Convert Fat to Energy
  • Added Vitamin D3 

Nutritional Information

Sabtec Nutrition ShredUp Fruit Punch Flavour

  • Serving Size: 1 Scoop (6g)
  • Servings Per Container: 30

Allergen Warning: This product was produced in a facility that may also process ingridients containing milk, egg, soybeans, shellfish, fish, tree nuts, wheat and peanuts.


On training days mix 1 serving in 8-12 ounces of cold water 15 minutes prior to  exercise & another 4-6 hours later. On non-training days, take 1 serving in the morning and 1 serving mid-afternoon. DO NOT TAKE MORE THAN 3 SERVINGS IN A 24 HOUR PERIOD.

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