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Scitec Multi Pro Plus 30 packets

MULTI PRO PLUS is a high-level multi-vitamin and mineral formula in a packet of several capsules and a tablets/capsules that’s based on our MEGA DAILY ONE PLUS multi-vitamin caps. MEGA DAILY ONE PLUS is our advanced multi-vitamin and mineral formula that has 25 ingredients itself (plus the extras of MULTI PRO...

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MULTI PRO PLUS is a high-level multi-vitamin and mineral formula in a packet of several capsules and a tablets/capsules that’s based on our MEGA DAILY ONE PLUS multi-vitamin caps.

MEGA DAILY ONE PLUS is our advanced multi-vitamin and mineral formula that has 25 ingredients itself (plus the extras of MULTI PRO PLUS)! It features a high-dose Vitamin B complex and Vitamin C, plus essential minerals including Magnesium, Selenium and Zinc.

Vitamin C contributes to the normal function of the immune and nervous systems, and to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue. It also helps to maintain the normal function of the immune system during and after intense exercise (the beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 200 mg in addition to the recommended daily intake of Vitamin C)!

Vitamin B2 contributes to the maintenance of normal vision and normal red blood cells. Folate contributes to normal amino acid synthesis.

MULTI PRO PLUS has 240% of the Nutrient Reference Value of Vitamin D3! Vitamin D contributes to the maintenance of normal muscle and immune system function, and to the normal absorption/utilisation of calcium and phosphorus.

Zinc contributes to normal fertility, reproduction and to the maintenance of normal testosterone levels in the blood, and also to normal macronutrient metabolism.

Magnesium contributes to normal functioning of the nervous system: neurotransmission and muscle contraction including heart muscle; also to normal protein synthesis and to the maintenance of normal bones and teeth.

Selenium contributes to normal spermatogenesis, to normal thyroid function and to the maintenance of normal hair, nails.

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