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Per4m Nutrition Glutamine 400g

L-Glutamine is the most common amino acid found in muscle and is the primary transporter of nitrogen into muscle cells. During intense training, levels can become greatly depleted which is why supplementation can be helpful for individuals looking to optimize their workout performance. What is Kyowa? Kyowa Quality L-Glutamine is...

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L-Glutamine is the most common amino acid found in muscle and is the primary transporter of nitrogen into muscle cells.

During intense training, levels can become greatly depleted which is why supplementation can be helpful for individuals looking to optimize their workout performance.

What is Kyowa? Kyowa Quality L-Glutamine is backed by the highest manufacturing standards.

Kyowa is dedicated to ongoing scientific research, quality management, and consumer education, and expends considerable resources in testing the efficacy, safety, and reliability of its products. This dedication has come to be known worldwide and represents the promise of consistent quality and purity.

Serving Size - 1 scoop

Servings per container - 80

L-Glutamine - 5g per serving

100% Pure Micronised Kyowa L-Glutamine

Recommended Use: Mix one measuring coop (5g) in 300ml of water or juice, preferably before or after exercise. Use daily in amounts as require

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