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Huel Ready to Drink 8x500ml

Huel 100% Nutritionally Complete Meal Salted Caramel 500ml is made from plant-based sustainable ingredients like oats, pea, rice, flaxseed, coconut, and sunflower and is considered a 100% Nutritionally Complete Meal on the go. Every Huel meal contains a balance of all 26 essential vitamins and minerals, protein, essential fats, carbs,...

8 In Stock

Huel 100% Nutritionally Complete Meal Salted Caramel 500ml is made from plant-based sustainable ingredients like oats, pea, rice, flaxseed, coconut, and sunflower and is considered a 100% Nutritionally Complete Meal on the go.

Every Huel meal contains a balance of all 26 essential vitamins and minerals, protein, essential fats, carbs, fibre and phytonutrients in a single product.

  • Our bottles are made out of 51% recycled plastic & are fully recyclable
  • Huel is a low-carbon food
  • Huel contains no animal products, with minimal environmental impact
  • Contains a balanced macro split of 35:20:42:3 (carbohydrate, protein, fat, fibre) and provides 400kcal per bottle

What Are the Benefits of This Supplement?

  • Ideal amounts of the 26 essential vitamins and minerals, to give your body all the precious micronutrients it needs
  • Each meal contains 22g of plant-based protein with a perfect amino acid profile
  • Filled with low-GI, slow-release carbs to give you sustained energy throughout your day
  • Balanced omega-3, omega-6 and monounsaturated fats, creating an excellent fatty acid profile
  • Made with soluble and insoluble fibre, keeping you full and your digestive system healthy
  • Packed full of great stuff from plants, with proven beneficial effects on your health

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