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Himalaya - Liv 52 100 Tablets

Himalaya - Liv.52 100 Tablets The unique formula of these tablets improves the functional efficiency of the liver by regulating enzymes. They may also help to support the overall health of your liver. Liv.52 tablets may help to stop the progression of diseases caused by alcoholism as well as other liver-related...

1 In Stock

Himalaya - Liv.52 100 Tablets

The unique formula of these tablets improves the functional efficiency of the liver by regulating enzymes. They may also help to support the overall health of your liver. Liv.52 tablets may help to stop the progression of diseases caused by alcoholism as well as other liver-related issues. Liv. 52 tablets may also be used as a health supplement where they are known to help improve appetite, improve the digestion and assimilation processes, and promote weight gain.

Product Highlights

  • 1-2 tablets, twice a day, with water.

  • Contains Capparis spinosa and Terminalia arjuna

  • May improve liver activity and appetite

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