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100% vegan protein Ghost Lifestyle supplements have kept it really simple with their vegan protein. They are rocking a premium, fully disclosed, 100% vegan protein blend (Pea Protein Concentrate, Organic Pumpkin Protein, Watermelon Seed protein). Their protein really is as simple as that. Full Disclosure Label All Ghost products feature...

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100% vegan protein

Ghost Lifestyle supplements have kept it really simple with their vegan protein. They are rocking a premium, fully disclosed, 100% vegan protein blend (Pea Protein Concentrate, Organic Pumpkin Protein, Watermelon Seed protein). Their protein really is as simple as that.

Full Disclosure Label

All Ghost products feature a 100% transparent label that fully discloses the dose of each active ingredient. Zero proprietary blends mean you know what you’re getting in each and every scoop.

Every scoop of Ghost Vegan Protein contains 21g of the purest, fully disclosed protein on the market. Flip the tub around and you will find a breakdown of exactly how many grams of protein you are getting from each veggie.

Why choose Ghost's plant-based protein powder?

Often vegan protein powder texture can be nowhere near as smooth as normal whey protein due to its less-processed nature of plant-based ingredients but Ghost has done something magical here! The protein powder mixes very smooth and of course, the taste is there! You wouldn't expect any less from Ghost.

Bake with it, grab a shake post-workout. Add it to your morning oats, you name it and it tastes great and works.

What are the macros?

The macros for Ghost Vegan are 21g of protein, 6g of carbohydrates with a gram of that fibre and absolutely no sugar, 1.5g of fat, and a total of 120 calories.

What are the main benefits of Ghost Vegan Protein

  • Ghost Full Disclosure Label
  • 21g protein from Pea Protein Concentrate, Organic Pumpkin Protein, Watermelon Seed protein
  • 120 kcal per scoop
  • Gluten Free and Soy Free
  • Low carb and low fat

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