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GHOST® High Protein Hot Cocoa Mix

Ghost's Protein Hot Chocolate Cocoa Mix will fill your life (and mug) with holiday cheer all year round. Designed specifically to be mixed with warm milk or hot water, each hot cocoa serving contains 20-grams of whey protein per serving and is only 130 calories in total. Coming in two...

1 In Stock

Ghost's Protein Hot Chocolate Cocoa Mix will fill your life (and mug) with holiday cheer all year round. Designed specifically to be mixed with warm milk or hot water, each hot cocoa serving contains 20-grams of whey protein per serving and is only 130 calories in total.

Coming in two feel-good flavours: classic milk chocolate with marshmallows and a festive special of peppermint combined with creamy chocolate means you can relax, sip and make gains.

The Ghost Protein Hot Chocolate is the very first of its kind on the market, the rich chocolate flavours and creamy texture have left us all thinking - why on earth was it not made sooner!?

  • 533g = 15 servings
  • 35.5g = 1 serving

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