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BOLD Nutrition Tongkat Ali 1000mg

Tongkat Ali is a popular herbal supplement traditionally used for its potential aphrodisiac and energy boosting properties with some studies suggesting it may help improve testosterone levels and muscle building.   Directions For Use:Take 2 capsules per day with food for optimal results.   Serving Information: Per Capsule: 500mgPer Serving: 1000mgServing...

171 In Stock

Tongkat Ali is a popular herbal supplement traditionally used for its potential aphrodisiac and energy boosting properties with some studies suggesting it may help improve testosterone levels and muscle building.


Directions For Use:
Take 2 capsules per day with food for optimal results.


Serving Information: 
Per Capsule: 500mg
Per Serving: 1000mg
Serving Size: 2 Capsules
Servings Per Container: 30

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