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Applied Nutrition Beef-XP Clear Hydrolysed Beef Protein 150g (5 Servings)

HIGH PROTEIN DRINK MIX FOOD SUPPLEMENT WITH SWEETENER Lactose-Free | Dairy-Free | Zero Sugar | Soy-Free | Low Fat 150g | 5 Servings   Beef-XP is a dairy-free source of protein and is 100% hydrolysed beef sourced from bovine. It provides over 27g of protein per serving and has a comprehensive amino...

8 In Stock


Lactose-Free | Dairy-Free | Zero Sugar | Soy-Free | Low Fat

150g | 5 Servings


Beef-XP is a dairy-free source of protein and is 100% hydrolysed beef sourced from bovine.

It provides over 27g of protein per serving and has a comprehensive amino acid profile providing all the Essential Amino Acids (EAAs).

Beef-XP has a high protein content (97%) and low fat and zero sugar content which makes it an ideal protein meal supplement for anyone looking to avoid lactose and reduce fat and sugar content in their diet.

Beef-XP is recommended for anyone looking to increase daily protein intake and particularly those who are avoiding lactose and dairy products in their diet and are looking for an alternative source of protein.

  • Tasty juicy flavours
  • 100% hydrolysed beef protein
  • Over 27g of protein per serving
  • Lactose & dairy-free
  • Contributes to the growth of muscle mass
  • Perfect mixing & amazing taste
  • Tested for Athletes™
  • Halal certified product
  • Mix 1 scoop (30g) to 300ml of water or milk in an Applied Nutrition shaker any time of the day to increase your daily protein intake.

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