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Alpha Neon Darkside Onslaught ULTIMA 420g

⚠️ WARNING - FOR ADVANCED PRE-WORKOUT USERS ONLY ⚠️ Introducing DARKSIDE® ONSLAUGHT™ ULTIMA by Alpha Neon, the evil twin of the legendary DARKSIDE® ONSLAUGHT™ featuring 4g of Beta Alanine per advanced serving. DARKSIDE® ONSLAUGHT™ ULTIMA has been put together with one goal in mind - creating the complete Pre-Workout - Extreme Energy, Skin Splitting Pumps, Unbreakable Focus and of course TINGLY SKIN. What makes DARKSIDE®...

12 In Stock


Introducing DARKSIDE® ONSLAUGHT™ ULTIMA by Alpha Neon, the evil twin of the legendary DARKSIDE® ONSLAUGHT™ featuring 4g of Beta Alanine per advanced serving.

DARKSIDE® ONSLAUGHT™ ULTIMA has been put together with one goal in mind - creating the complete Pre-Workout - Extreme EnergySkin Splitting PumpsUnbreakable Focus and of course TINGLY SKIN.

What makes DARKSIDE® ONSLAUGHT™ ULTIMA stand out?

  • Complete combination of stimulants, nootropics & pump ingredients
  • 60 servings per container, with 30 fully loaded servings (ADVANCED USERS ONLY!)
  • Hundreds of positive reviews from actual Stink Junkies!
  • Paradoxine™ Grains of Paradise extract for added HEAT!


Recommended Use
Please start with 1 Scoop (9g) mixed with 250ml of cold water to assess tolerance.

Once you have assessed tolerance, you may move onto 2 Scoops (18g) - this is for ADVANCED USERS ONLY!

Do not consume more than 2 Scoops (18g) within a 24 hours period.

Do not consume within 4 hours of intended sleep.

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