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RYSE Signature Series GODZILLA Pre Workout

PUMP. ENERGY. STRENGTH. FOCUS. There can only be ONE King and the King of Pre-workouts has arrived. The officially licensed Noel Deyzel X Godzilla® Pre-Workout is an absolute monster. Packing a massive 40g serving size, this giant delivers city-crushing pumps, razor sharp focus & long-lasting explosive energy. Loaded with 12...

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There can only be ONE King and the King of Pre-workouts has arrived. The officially licensed Noel Deyzel X Godzilla® Pre-Workout is an absolute monster.
Packing a massive 40g serving size, this giant delivers city-crushing pumps, razor sharp focus & long-lasting explosive energy. Loaded with 12 ingredients, 5 clinically studied trademarks and a delicious blast of flavor, your new favorite pre-workout is ready for battle.
  • 11g Total Citrulline for massive pumps.* (9g Pure L-Citrulline & 2g patented NO3-T® Citrulline Nitrate.)
  • 3.2g Beta-Alanine to buffer lactic acid, reduce muscle fatigue & increase overall endurance.*
  • 400mg Total Caffeine from Caffeine Anhydrous & patented zumXR® Extended Release Caffeine for clean, no-crash energy.*
  • 20mg Thinkamine™ trademarked Vincamine for razor sharp focus & euphoria.*
  • Fully Transparent Formula. Zero Proprietary Blends.
  • All products and labels are fully transparent with no proprietary blends, ever!
  • RYSE uses only the highest quality ingredients, many are patented.
  • Ethically sourced high quality products. You’ll always get what the label says.
  • This formula is so incredibly loaded, a 1 scoop, half serving is plenty to delivery an incredible workout
  • Only advanced users should even dare take a full 2 scoop serving to deliver a God-like workout experience.

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