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Redcon1 MOAB 30 Servings Muscle Building Supplements EXP 02/23

Expired 09/23 Promotes growth of lean muscle gains & strength Reduces recovery time so you can train harder & more often Promotes increased muscle protein synthesis Increases follistatin levels in muscle tissue Redcon1 MOAB, or Mother Of All Builders, is a formula specifically created to promote the growth of lean...

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Expired 09/23

  • Promotes growth of lean muscle gains & strength
  • Reduces recovery time so you can train harder & more often
  • Promotes increased muscle protein synthesis
  • Increases follistatin levels in muscle tissue

    Redcon1 MOAB, or Mother Of All Builders, is a formula specifically created to promote the growth of lean muscle mass. Containing 4 active ingredients scientifically shown to stimulate muscle growth including the ingredient HICA which stimulates muscle protein synthesis to promote the growth of lean muscle tissue.

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