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Ghost Lifestyle x CINNABON® Whey Protein Powder

Ghost Protein is a premium whey blend with natural digestive enzymes for quicker muscle absorption which has a tasty flavour range to pick from that's rated the best on the market. The Ghost Whey formula has purposely been kept simple yet incredibly effective with servings offering 25-grams of protein, 130...

2 In Stock

Ghost Protein is a premium whey blend with natural digestive enzymes for quicker muscle absorption which has a tasty flavour range to pick from that's rated the best on the market.

The Ghost Whey formula has purposely been kept simple yet incredibly effective with servings offering 25-grams of protein, 130 calories and 4-grams of carbs - just two of which are sugars.

From the classic Cereal Milk flavour to Chocolate Chip Cookie - which one takes your fancy? #BeSeen.

  • 924g = 28 servings
  • 33g = 1 serving

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