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CNP Multi Vit 30 Tablets EXP 12/24

Expired 12/24 Getting the required amounts of the correct vitamins and minerals daily is considered essential. They support everything that takes place within your body and contributes to a long healthy life, as well as helping you function properly each day. At CNP we wanted to put everything you need...

1 In Stock

Expired 12/24

Getting the required amounts of the correct vitamins and minerals daily is considered essential. They support everything that takes place within your body and contributes to a long healthy life, as well as helping you function properly each day.

At CNP we wanted to put everything you need into one bottle. CNP MULTI VIT includes the 24 essential vitamins each provided at 100% of their recommended daily allowance (RDA), making it an effectively dosed, full spectrum supplement. In addition to these, it has been formulated to include a key selection of the most valuable minerals, to further support your immune system, metabolism and brain function.

All of this combined makes CNP MULTI VIT the perfect health supplement for anyone looking to make a quality investment in their health and physical performance.

Recommended Use: Take one tablet daily.

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