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Olimp Nutrition - Ashwagandha 600 Sport

OLIMP NUTRITION ASHWAGANDHA 600 SPORT - 60 CAPS Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is commonly known as Indian ginseng, or winter cherry, and it is one of the most important herbs used in Ayurveda (a system of Indian medicine developed in ancient times). In traditional Hindu philosophy, it is treated as a...

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Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is commonly known as Indian ginseng, or winter cherry, and it is one of the most important herbs used in Ayurveda (a system of Indian medicine developed in ancient times). In traditional Hindu philosophy, it is treated as a rejuvenating agent, the so-called Rasayana. Ayurveda describes Rasayanas as compounds which counteract the effects of old age and disease.

The ASHWAGANDHA 600 Sport Edition, with KSM-66, has a very broad spectrum of benefits:

- it supports the functioning of the nervous system (it improves the memory),
- it supports the functioning of the reproductive system (it boosts sexual functions),
- it supports the functioning of the immunological system (it improves cell immunity),
- it has antioxidating properties, which help protect cells against reactive forms of oxygen
- its ingredients and dosages are identical to those used in clinical trials
- one pack provides up to a month of supplements
- it applies a holistic mechanism in its action on the body of an athlete

Withania somnifera, originally known as an adaptogen, increases the resistance of the body to stress.

KSM-66 is a patented Ashwagandha extract with the highest concentration of active compounds in the world. The manufacturer needed as many as 14 years to develop the extraction process for the purpose of the isolation of such a rich raw material.

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