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NOW Foods Nighttime Tea - Herbal Tea,

Soothing, relaxing bedtime brewPremium unbleached tea bags with our no-staples designContains no artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, or sugars.No matter how hard we try, sometimes it's simply impossible to let go of the day's events and unfinished to-do lists. Here's the perfect solution. Nighttime is a tranquil, mellowing blend of botanicals...

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Soothing, relaxing bedtime brew
Premium unbleached tea bags with our no-staples design
Contains no artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, or sugars.

No matter how hard we try, sometimes it's simply impossible to let go of the day's events and unfinished to-do lists.

Here's the perfect solution. Nighttime is a tranquil, mellowing blend of botanicals known for their soothing and relaxing qualities. Dim the lights, sip a cup and let mother nature do her thing. Sweet dreams...


Consult physician if pregnant/nursing or have a medical condition.



Total Fat 0 g 0%



Steep one tea bag in 6-8 ounces of water that has just started to boil, for 3-4 minutes. Stir occasionally while steeping.

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