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SWOLE Lifestyle Premium Wrist Wraps - Black/ Black

SWOLE Lifestyle wrist wraps are made high quality materials, designed for heavy lifters. made for easier lifting. They’ll give you the extra support you need in the wrist joint for heavyweights lifting, and minimize the risk of injury while providing you with the stability and control to lift your personal...

98 In Stock

SWOLE Lifestyle wrist wraps are made high quality materials, designed for heavy lifters. made for easier lifting. They’ll give you the extra support you need in the wrist joint for heavyweights lifting, and minimize the risk of injury while providing you with the stability and control to lift your personal best.


  • PREMIUM heavy duty blended cotton, EXTRA wide closure with ADVANCE engineered stitching providing a strong and sturdy hold.
  • Size: One Size
  • Length: 45 Centimeters
  • Width: 8 Centimeters
    Providing the perfect fit and allowing lots of space for adjustments.

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