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Cobra Labs The Ripper | Fat Burner

A full strength, fast acting formula, The Ripper! contains a concentrated blend of ingredients specifically designed to burn fat and help control food cravings.* Get clean, intense energy with enhanced mental focus throughout the day. All without the jitters often associated with other weight loss products. The Ripper! kicks like...

14 In Stock

A full strength, fast acting formula, The Ripper! contains a concentrated blend of ingredients specifically designed to burn fat and help control food cravings.*

Get clean, intense energy with enhanced mental focus throughout the day. All without the jitters often associated with other weight loss products.

The Ripper! kicks like a bull and hits like a bolt of lightning. Experience The Ripper! This is fat burning you can feel!

Recommended Use

  • Begin drinking 1 serving (1 scoop) mixed with 6-8 ounces (180-250 ml) of cold water on an empty stomach 15-30 minutes before breakfast for the first two 2 days to assess tolerance.
  • An additional 1 scoop may be taken 5-6 hours later or as directed by a qualified healthcare practitioner.
  • For best results, use for 60 days in combination with diet and exercise.
  • Do not exceed 2 servings in a 24 hour period.

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