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CNP Creatine Monohydrate Powder - 100 Servings (500g)

Supplementing your diet with CNP Creatine powder may help to increase your overall size and strength whilst also increasing your power and performance in the gym. CNP Creatine can be mixed with your protein shake or added to water or fruit juice for easy and convenient consumption.Directions:Take one scoop (5g)...

61 In Stock

Supplementing your diet with CNP Creatine powder may help to increase your overall size and strength whilst also increasing your power and performance in the gym. CNP Creatine can be mixed with your protein shake or added to water or fruit juice for easy and convenient consumption.

Take one scoop (5g) of creatine monohydrate a day, mixed with water or juice.

Produced in a facility that handles milk, egg, soy, gluten, nuts and peanuts.

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