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Alpha Designs 'BEAST' Liquid Chalk 250ml

Our Liquid Chalk can be used in all of your training sessions to reduce sweating and improve grip strength. It can be applied to the hands or feet to suit a range of exercises, whether that’s climbing, lifting, and gymnastics. Improves grip Reduces palm sweating Can improve performance Comes in...

16 In Stock

Our Liquid Chalk can be used in all of your training sessions to reduce sweating and improve grip strength. It can be applied to the hands or feet to suit a range of exercises, whether that’s climbing, lifting, and gymnastics.

  • Improves grip
  • Reduces palm sweating
  • Can improve performance
  • Comes in 50ml or 250ml resealable bottles

Apply to hands or feet as required. After use we recommend using soapy water to wash the product off. Do not taste or swallow and it is always best to test first on a small patch of skin to check for any reaction. Do not put on broken skin.


Isopropyl Alcohol, Magnesium, Carbonate Hydroxide, Colophonium, Hydroxypropylcellulose, Styrax, Benzoin Gum, Benzyl Alcohol, Benzyl Benzoate.

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