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Carb Killa Protein Bar - Lemon Cheesecake - Grenade - 12 x 60g

Perhaps our most a-peeling flavour yet, we’ve dropped the bomb with our Lemon Cheesecake bar – packing 21g protein and just 1.6g sugar.  Each bar features a vanilla-flavoured nougat centre, topped with a zesty lemon curd caramel layer. And if that wasn’t enough, we’ve blitzed each one with biscuit bits and covered it in smooth...

9 In Stock

Perhaps our most a-peeling flavour yet, we’ve dropped the bomb with our Lemon Cheesecake bar – packing 21g protein and just 1.6g sugar. 

Each bar features a vanilla-flavoured nougat centre, topped with a zesty lemon curd caramel layer. And if that wasn’t enough, we’ve blitzed each one with biscuit bits and covered it in smooth white chocolate. It’s time to squeeze the day!



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