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NXT Nutrition Beef Protein Isolate 1.8kg 60 servings Fruit Pastilles

NXT Nutrition’s Beef Protein Isolate is an innovative, high-quality source of protein that is high in muscle-building amino acids and low in carbohydrates and fats (0 grams of each). Ideal for people who are sensitive to dairy products or lactose intolerant. Beef Protein Isolate packs 27g of protein per 30g...

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  • NXT Nutrition’s Beef Protein Isolate is an innovative, high-quality source of protein that is high in muscle-building amino acids and low in carbohydrates and fats (0 grams of each).

  • Ideal for people who are sensitive to dairy products or lactose intolerant.
  • Beef Protein Isolate packs 27g of protein per 30g scoop and 90g of protein per 100g of product making it an equal competitor to whey.

  • As most protein shakes are either whey, casein or soy based they are not ideal for anyone with intolerances to dairy or soy.
  • Halal & Kosher friendly
  • Paleo suitable Zero Dairy Zero Sugar

Nutritional Information

Serving Size: 1 Heaped scoop (30g)
Servings Per Container: 60

Amount Per Serving

Energy 119.3kcal
Protein (dry basis) 24g
Carbohydrates 5.5g
of which sugars 0g
Fibre 0g
Fats 0g
Salt 30mg



Beef Protein Isolate, maltodextrin, flavour, sucralose

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