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CNP Pro GDA - 90 Capsules (30 Servings)

Pro GDA is CNPs premium capsule formulation, created to control glucose levels and support metabolism within the body. Pro GDA contains 500mg of Berberine HCL alongside 1000mg of Banaba Leaf. These are combined with 250ug of Chromium, which helps your body control glucose within the body.  Chromium facilitates the metabolism of macronutrients Meaningful...

5 In Stock

Pro GDA is CNPs premium capsule formulation, created to control glucose levels and support metabolism within the body. Pro GDA contains 500mg of Berberine HCL alongside 1000mg of Banaba Leaf. These are combined with 250ug of Chromium, which helps your body control glucose within the body. 

  • Chromium facilitates the metabolism of macronutrients
  • Meaningful inputs to deliver real performance based results
  • Bioperine™ acts as a nutrient absorption enhancer

The Pro GDA formulation also contains Alpha Lipoic Acid and Cinnamon Extract alongside Vitamin C which works to deliver antioxidant properties, protecting the cells from oxidative stress.

Pro GDA aims to deliver the ultimate in metabolism support for the strength, muscle or power athlete.

Directions For Use:  

Use one serving with cheat meals/refeeds.
Use one serving with Carb-up meals through peak week to minimise overspill.
Use one serving with meals with high carbohydrate content.

Use one serving with Pre-Workout meal to facilitate glycogen levels within the muscle
Use one serving with a high carbohydrate post-workout shake to improve glycogen replenishment.

Use one serving with any high carbohydrate meal to stabilise glucose levels and metabolise macronutrients normally.

*Usage instructions are given as a guide. Users may want to adjust serving size to their individual requirements.

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