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Animal Test 21 Packs

Test is a powerful and legal hypertrophic, pro-testosterone supplement that combines potent natural compounds with a patented, proven ingredient as its core.  If you’re looking to take it to the next level in your training and your strength goals, then consider what Animal Test can bring to the table. When...

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Test is a powerful and legal hypertrophic, pro-testosterone supplement that combines potent natural compounds with a patented, proven ingredient as its core. 

If you’re looking to take it to the next level in your training and your strength goals, then consider what Animal Test can bring to the table. When part of your overall arsenal, multi-faceted Animal Test can help you achieve gains more effectively and efficiently.

Key Benefits:

• The ultimate in legal hypertrophic, pro-testosterone supplementation

• Raises free testosterone for explosive gains in size and strength

• Contains cutting edge anti-estrogens including Trans Resveratrol


Direction For Use:

Take 1 serving animal test daily for 21 consecutive days. On training days you take Animal Test with your last meal before a workout. On non-training days you can take Animal Test with any meal.

Animal Test can be used to a maximum of 2x 21 days,with a 1-week stop. After that, do not use Animal Test for at least 4 weeks. In the meantime Animal M-Stak can be used as a replacement.

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